Thursday, April 4, 2013

Historic Greyhound Station Visitor Center


Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it is believed to be the only one of three its kind still in existence. Built in 1939, the building houses local tourist information center and headquarters for Main Street Blytheville.



Historic Greyhound Bus Depot Visitor Center
109 North 5th Street
Blytheville, AR 72315
  • Phone: 870-763-2525
GPS: N35.9275722 W89.9080415

Historic Video of Blytheville, Arkansas






Greyhound Bus Station

While driving around Blytheville earlier today, I happened by the old Greyhound bus station. The inside of the station was busy with workers applying their skills of various expertise in order to bring the old girl back to her grandeur of years past. 

Once an eyesore, this magnificent building is making a comeback. Built in 1938 by architect Ben Watson White, the Greyhound bus station has served Blytheville well through the years. Back in the day, it was an economical, yet efficient way in which to travel long distances for the common citizen. Didn't have a car, or a commercial flight was out of the question if not impossible? Take the Greyhound bus.

I can only imagine how many families in this area have stood in front of this bus station waving goodbye to their loved ones as they sent them off to military duty, some of which never did make it back home. I for one, remember boarding the bus at this very depot en route to Army boot camp. The image of my parents waving goodbye to me is still as vivid today as it was in 1982. Mixed emotions from fear of really leaving home for the first time coupled with the excitement of seeing the world cluttered my mind.

My journey to Germany where I was stationed for 4 years all began at the entrance of the Blytheville Greyhound bus station. My travels included various parts of England, France, Holland, and Switzerland. I owe a lot to this bus terminal. Tried and true friends that I hold dear to my heart and keep in touch with on a regular basis to this day all began on the steps of this building.

I'm glad that our city government saw fit to save this building. It is believed to be only one of three art deco style Greyhound bus stations existing today, so Blytheville is truly blessed to have such a treasure, and it makes our community unique.

I encourage you to drive by and take a look at the station if you haven't done so recently. Think of the history that this beautiful structure holds, and how many families lives it has touched in the past. It truly is a piece of art. The bus station can be seen at 109 N. Fifth street.


 Blytheville, Arkansas  " Ghost of Highway 61 "



The Greyhound Group



  • Peggy Sims Hancock · Germantown, TN
    This business is my favorite place because my grandfather, Ben Watson White, built it in the thirties.
  • John · Jonesboro, AR
    I caught the bus from here to St. Louis to go into the Air Force in 1965. I started driving for Greyhound in 1970. I went through Blytheville several times. You should try getting around the station in a 40 ft bus. I have a lot of Greyhound memorabilia, including owners manuals from 1955 thru 1986, that I will be donating or loaning the museum for their anniversary when I am able to get in contact with the right person. Also I hope to be there to answer questions if the museum would like. As for me, I think the best bus GH ever made was the old bus that some called the double deckers. They were built in 1953-54-55, the same years the B-52 bombers that used to fly out of Blytheville AFBwere made.
    In 1970 when we would start loading in El Paso, Tx, where I started with GH, ,we would have a brand new bus and the old one side by side and people would almost fight to get on the old bus because they thought it was the new one. Of course it had been recently refurbished and was nice.

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