Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hippies Finishing Up an East Coast Tour

A while back, Gary Blizzard stopped by Hemmings with his Scenicruiser. Don’t know why, but old buses just turn all of our editorial staff into six-year-olds. So when web dude Jeremy told us of a bunch more parked about a block away, we had to inspect.
hippie bus_0222_resized.jpg

And boy, that’s a lot of Scenicruiser. Apparently, they’re part of a tour of Merrymakers, a bunch of self-described communal hippies just finishing up an East Coast tour with the buses. This one was their first, a combination of two different Scenicruisers.


UPDATE: Kit Foster wrote in to correct us – the bases are Aerocoach, like the one he posted at his CarPort website. The tops are Scenicruiser. I need to find a good bus reference.


And their third differs a bit – an old White on a modern International chassis with airbag suspension.


But the interiors of the Scenicruisers more resemble log cabins than the plush, cross-continent cabins several editorial staffers grew up with.


                                                        A lot of excellent wood- and leathercraft going on here.

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